• Advanced Free Diver Instructor

Advanced Free Diver Instructor

Become an Advanced Free Diver Instructor with Scuba Buddys

How do you earn this rating?
PADI Freediver Instructors who have gained teaching experience (or freediver instructors from other organizations who have teaching experience) can qualify for the PADI Advanced Freediver Instructor rating.

Starting from

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If you hold a PADI Master Freediver certification (or qualifying rating), have certified as least 25 PADI Freedivers (or issued 25 qualifying freediver certifications) and continue to maintain your PADI Emergency First Response (CPR/first aid) Instructor rating, you can apply to your PADI Regional Headquarters to become a PADI Advanced Freediver Instructor.

Note that if you hold a qualifying instructor rating, you must also attend a PADI Freediver Instructor Orientation.

Next Step

Step up and become a PADI Advanced Freediver Instructor:

  • Log on to the PADI Pros' Site and download a PADI Freediver Instructor Application.
  • Browse the PADI Course Catalog for descriptions of other PADI Instructor ratings.
  • Enroll in an Emergency First Response (EFR) Instructor course at Scuba Buddys.


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